Project Blue Book Time Line Disclosure

The Project Blue Book Time Line Disclosure 

Eva Rozier March 24, 2024 

“Nothing that we have flies over 55,000 feet except a few experimental airplanes like the D-558 or those of the “X” series, and they don’t stray far from Edwards AFB in California.” Edward J. Ruppelt, former head of the US Air Force “Project Bluebook” 

Codes & Keys, the “X Series”

With over 4,500 reports by the year 1953 , As Chief of the Air Force Project Blue Book, assigned to the investigation and analysis of UFOs, Mr. Ruppelt and his staff studied over 4,500 reports and discussed them with everyone from out-and-out crackpots to top-level scientists and generals.

Why are we “acting” like this hasn’t been disclosed, this same old narrative is getting boring 🥱Dis-closure!!!! 

Dis” suffix : Latin prefix meaning “apart, “asunder,” “away,” “utterly,” or having a privative, negative, or reversing force (see de-, un-2); used freely, especially with these latter senses, as an English formative: disability; disaffirm; disbar; disbelief; discontent; dishearten; dislike; disown. 

What does dis-closure mean? 

That means straying away from information that we will not have closure on. This is “played” out over and over again. 

The Era of Confusion 2024? Or 1947? 

On September 23, 1947, the chief of the Air Technical Intelligence Center, one of the Air Force’s most highly specialized intelligence units, sent a letter to the Commanding General of the then Army Air Forces.

Oh, so in 1947 pretty much it was well known that UFOs are a thing. 

The letter was in answer to the Commanding General’s verbal request to make a preliminary study of the reports of unidentified flying objects. The letter said that after a preliminary study of UFO reports, ATIC concluded that, to quote from the letter,

“the reported phenomena were real.” The letter strongly urged that a permanent project be established at ATIC to investigate and analyze future UFO reports. It requested a priority for the project, a registered code name, and an over-all security classification.

ATIC’s request was granted and Project Sign, the forerunner of Project Grudge and Project Blue Book, was launched. It was given a 2A priority, 1A being the highest priority an Air Force project could have. With this the Air Force dipped into the most prolonged and widespread controversy it has ever, or may ever, encounter. The Air Force grabbed the proverbial bear by the tail and to this day it hasn’t been able to let loose.

The letter to the Commanding General of the Army Air Forces from the chief of ATIC had used the word “phenomena.” 

History has shown that this was not a too well-chosen word. But on September 23, 1947, when the letter was written, ATIC’s intelligence specialists were confident that within a few months or a year they would have the answer to the question, “What are UFO’s?” 

The question, “Do UFO’s exist?” was never mentioned. The only problem that confronted the people at ATIC was. Were the UFO’s of Russian or interplanetary origin?” Either case called for a serious, secrecy-shrouded project. Only top people at ATIC were assigned to Project Sign.

While the scientists were in Washington, D.C., pondering over the UFO, the UFO’s weren’t just sitting idly by waiting to find out what they were they were out doing a little “lobbying” for the cause-keeping the interest stirred up.

And they were doing a good job, too.

It was just a few minutes before midnight on January 28, 1953, when a message flashed into Wright-Patterson for Project Blue Book. 


It was sent “Operational Immediate,” so it had priority handling; I was reading it by 12:30 A.M. A pilot had chased a UFO.

Oh like the video main stream media has been showing like this is something new? 1953! 

The report didn’t have many details but it did sound good. It gave the pilot’s name and said that he could be reached at Moody AFB. 

On the Harvest Moon 2023, I’ve witnessed a UFO at Moody AFB in 2023, that same night I was visited and astral projected out of my body and walked through my house in my astral body with TONS of static electricity everywhere. 

“I put in a long distance call, found the pilot, and flipped on my recorder so that I could get his story word for word.

He told me that he had been flying an F-86 on a “round-robin” navigation flight from Moody AFB to Lawson AFB to Robins AFB, then back to Moody-all in Georgia. “ Edward Ruppelt, former head of US Air Force Project Blue Book 

At exactly nine thirty-five he was at 6,000 feet, heading toward Lawson AFB on the first leg of his flight. He remembered that he had just looked down and had seen the lights of Albany, Georgia; then he’d looked up again and seen this bright white light at “ten o’clock high.” 

It was an unusually bright light, and he said that he thought this was why it was so noticeable among the stars. He flew on for a few minutes watching it as he passed over Albany. 

Albany, Georgia is only 2hrs away from my home town Blackshear, Ga. 

He decided that it must be an extremely bright star or another airplane except it just didn’t look right.

It had too much of a definitely circular shape.

I’ve seen these “stars” fly over my house! Sometimes in unison with two “stars” flying in sync with each other on multiple occasions. 

It was a nice night to fly and he had to get in so much time anyway, so he thought he’d try to get a little closer to it. If it was an airplane, chances were he could close in and if it was a star, he should be able to climb up to 30,000 feet and the light shouldn’t change its relative position.

He checked his oxygen supply, increased the r.p.m. of the engine, and started to climb. In three or four minutes it was obvious that he was getting above the light, and he watched it; it had moved in relation to the stars!!!! 

The narrative and time line we are on is the same one from when Edward J. Ruppelt was chief of US Air Force Project Blue Book. We have known hundreds of thousands of reports out there circulating. We also have eye witnesses coming out more and more but the narrative in the mainstream media is that this “phenomena” is something new and not understood. We as a collective also are manipulated into not feeling comfortable to discuss this subject as back in the 50’s! WHY????

The “disclosure” we need is not DIS!!! We need closure on this subject and understanding, we are entitled to knowing and understanding.

Reincarnation & TimeTravel: Exploring the Musical Journey of Claude Debussy & Brian Larson

Copyright November 4, 2023

Author: Eva Rozier

Reincarnation, the belief in the rebirth of the soul in a new body after death, has fascinated humankind for centuries. It offers a glimpse into the idea of traversing time, much like time travel. In this blog post, we will delve into the intriguing parallels between reincarnation and time travel. We are also exploring the life and impact of the iconic French composer, Claude Debussy and similar parallels with owner of Mettaverse Music, Brian Larson.

Discovering this beautiful music and seeing the face behind the music, I was shocked to see that Debussy and Larson looked so similar! Debussy was a famous Rosicrucian and popular for the song “Clair De Lune” among so many other well loved masterpieces. Brain Larson, owner of Mettaverse Music, played in many healing art studios and yoga studios across the world and well known for tracks such as “Golden Harmonic” & “Language of Light”. I reached out to Brian when I noticed the strong resemblance to Claude Debussy and he said he use to listen to the song Clair De Lune on repeat in his 20’s.

Find all music on iTunes &

( “Clair De Lune” is a beautiful and ethereal musical composition by Claude Debussy. Translated into “Moonlight” in English )

Reincarnation and Time Travel:
While reincarnation and time travel may seem like distinct concepts, they share some intriguing similarities. Both ideas involve transcending the boundaries of linear time and experiencing different eras. Reincarnation allows the soul to explore various lifetimes, while time travel enables a person to witness historical events firsthand. Both offer opportunities to learn, grow, and gain insights across different periods.

Is time just an illusion?Do we all exist at once? These are a few questions that arise when exploring these theories.

Claude Debussy: A Musical Innovator:
Claude Debussy, born on August 22, 1862, in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France, was a revolutionary composer whose innovative works challenged the traditional norms of classical music. Often associated with the Impressionist movement, Debussy’s compositions were characterized by their dreamlike atmosphere, unconventional harmonies, and evocative melodies.

Brain Larson’s music uses similar aspects in a more modern expression of music. His music on

He also has beautiful art for sale on

Debussy’s music broke free from the shackles of the Romantic era, paving the way for a new musical language that would inspire generations to come. His compositions, such as “Clair de Lune” and “Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun,” embraced a more impressionistic style, blurring the lines between musical genres and captivating audiences with their ethereal beauty.

Side note facts documented in time is that Claude Debussy’s personal life was as intricate as his music. He married Rosalie “Lily” Texier in 1899, but their relationship grew strained, leading to their separation in 1904. During this time, Debussy fell passionately in love with Emma Bardac, the wife of a wealthy banker. Their relationship caused a scandal, eventually leading to Debussy’s divorce from Texier, and his subsequent marriage to Bardac in 1908. Despite the controversy, Debussy found solace and inspiration in his tumultuous love life, which often reflected in his compositions.

Reincarnation and time travel both offer unique perspectives on the concept of traversing time. While one delves into the metaphysical realm of soul rebirth, the other explores the scientific possibility of witnessing historical events. Claude Debussy, an icon of music, transcended musical boundaries with his innovative compositions. His life was filled with passion and controversy, mirroring the evocative nature of his music.

In the end, whether we believe in reincarnation or time travel, the significance lies in the power of these ideas to ignite our imagination and deepen our understanding of the world around us. Just like Debussy’s music, they have the capacity to transport us to places beyond our current reality, opening our minds to new possibilities and inspiring our own creative journeys.

Empath? Before the WORD existed.

An empath is a person who has the ability to deeply understand and experience the emotions, feelings and energy of others. They are highly sensitive human beings who can easily pick up on the emotional states or “VIBES” of those around them. In 1994, when I was 14 years old I wrote a poem describing what an empath feels before I even knew the term empath.

Empaths have a super heightened intuition and can sense the unspoken emotions and thoughts of others around them and through the ether or quantum realm. This ability allows them to have a strong sense of empathy and compassion for others, as they can truly understand and connect with what someone else is going through.

However, being an empath can also be overwhelming at times, as they can become easily drained or affected by the emotions and energy of others. It is important for empath as to practice self-care and set boundaries to protect their own emotional well-being.

Throughout my life, there have been deep struggles within. Suicidal at 8 years old and struggling with being in this realm of existence is real. So many of us forget who we are, being tapped into the creator source consciousness is the remembrance or RE-Member(ing). Remember who you are, we all are connected on a very tightly woven fabric of existence held together by the thread of God.

1994 ( 9th grade ) Poem I wrote: Titled Upstairs… 

Sitting alone with all these

People under my feet, I feel

With grape color. The feeling

I feel in my head with anyone’s thoughts 

And they turn into mine. 

I look to the windows 

of what I can see 

through the black blinds, 

no light will pass 

through in my head

Blaring into my eyes with rain in the summer

 and ripples in the sand 

from force that pushes through the rain. 

Eva Rozier 

Solar Energies & Effects on Consciousness

Author: Eva Rozier

January 8, 2023

The Earth is constantly receiving energy from a variety of sources, both from within and from beyond our planet. This energy is essential for life on Earth which allows us to live and thrive in our environment. There is a constant ebb and flow of these energies, they never stay the same. There are many types of different energies coming in on Earth and it’s effecting our consciousness, causing high anxiety levels and causing many of us to have big epiphanies in our lives.  

Solar sun energy is the most abundant form of energy coming in on Earth along with the placement of the planet in outer space. Solar energy is generated by the sun and is proven to be the primary source of energy for all living things. Without the sun there wouldn’t be life. Solar energy is used to power homes, businesses, and industries all over the world. It is also used to generate electricity, which is used to power everything from computers to cars. Solar energy is also used to heat and cool buildings, and to provide hot water. Not only is solar energy used to power up electronics but it does the same to our bodies. Yes, it is proven that light from the sun powers up the mitochondria in the cells of your body creating energy for your body. Our bodies are electrical!!!!

Geothermal energy is another form of energy coming in on Earth. This energy is generated from the heat of the Earth’s core as known science has proven. This type of energy is used to generate electricity and to heat and cool buildings as well. Geothermal energy is becoming increasingly popular as a renewable energy source, as it is both clean and efficient.

Wind energy is also an important source of energy coming in on Earth. Wind turbines are used to generate electricity, and are becoming increasingly popular as a source of renewable energy. Wind energy is also used for transportation, as wind-powered ships and planes are becoming more common. Did you know that wind is actually caused by uneven heating of the Earth caused from the sun and Earth’s own rotation. As these energies coming in on Earth from the sun increase then the wind increases as well. The increase in winds on Earth cause natural hazards such as hurricanes and tornadoes.

Finally, energy from the stars, the galaxy and universe is also coming in on Earth. We are all sitting on a sphere planet called Earth that is spinning really fast through space. Earth is in a galaxy that is also spinning fast which is moving through the Universe every single second of your life. Star energy is generated from the burning of hydrogen and helium in stars and is used to power satellites and spacecraft. This energy is also used to power astronomical observatories, and is used to study the universe. As we on this planet move through outer space we also move through energies effecting every single bit of life on this planet.

In conclusion, the Earth is constantly receiving energy from a variety of sources. Solar, geothermal, wind, star, galaxy and universe energy are all important sources of energy coming in on Earth. These energies are used to power homes, businesses, and industries, and are becoming increasingly important as renewable energy sources. These energies also effect the human body and as they increase it effects our electrical system in our body.

Our bodies are made up of 70-80% water, cells and electrical energy. This electrical energy also known as life force energy, prana energy, chi energy or Qi energy and it flows through our bodies every millisecond in life. As the energies increase and change through the magnetic forces of the sun it effects our entire electrical system inside our bodies. This electrical system effects our cells mitochondrial activity, the way we metabolize energy, our central nervous system, our sympathetic nervous system, our endocrine system, our muscles, our circulatory system and the entire chemical make up in our bodies.

Because of the shifts taken place within our bodies on the physiological level this also effects our spirit, our minds, our consciousness or awareness. The collective is feeling these changes daily and more and more people are waking up to this understanding that what effects me also effects you. The understanding that we are a body of consciousness on this planet and our consciousness is also effected by these changing and increasing frequencies caused from these energies sources on the planet.

As we become more aware of these energies, we understand that what the ancient wisdom was teaching us, that the body has these seven basic energy centers in the body. The seven chakras of the body which are connected to our organs of the body. When we have an imbalance or a blockage of flow of this energy through our body, it is expressed on the physical level. This expression of an imbalance of energy flow manifest as uneasiness in our bodies auric field, our bodies bio magnetic field. This uneasy feeling is dis-ease…disease.

To sum it all up, the energies that our planet is moving through in outer space effects the magnetic solar energies of the sun. The suns ability to transmute these energies create an increase of energies felt on the planet we are on which is spinning through space, not just in one spot but through the entire vast universe. The galaxy that the planet Earth is apart of is also spinning, the effects of the energies in the galaxy is felt on the mircoscopic level in our bodies. The microscopic level includes atoms and molecules, the things unseen with the naked eye. This effect of increase and change in these energies effect every aspect of our wellbeing including our awareness or perception of what is….our consciousness.

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12 12 Portal Facing Your “I AM” Shadow

Author: Eva Rozier Copyright 2022

12/12/2022 Portal To Ascension

Author: Eva Rozier 

Using this energy of the current planetary alignment to transmute deep emotional baggage you may have thought you worked on in the past that is now resurfacing. The root of the energy expressed during this transformational date is the allowing your internal personified shadows you proclaim about your self, your “I AM” shadows to appear.

During this specific day and days leading up to this day you’ve been manifesting circumstance that force you to do some deep digging inside. You may meet your twin flame on this day which mirrors who you are, who you say you are. On this day you may have something happen that forces you to see where your true intentions come from. Many of these emotions you have worked on over the years will again tug at your heart and soul opening up the portal to your ascension by not hiding away from them. 

When you proclaim anything in the name of “I AM”, which is the name of God, then you bring it by the feeling of it into your energetic field. Knowing that both light and shadow are the dance of God, the yin and the yang within. During this day you may encounter certain aspects of yourself that you have forgotten or hidden away in the shadows of your existence. 

When facing your shadow you embrace those deep rooted programs by shifting your awareness leaving the old and embracing the new. Nothing stays the same and when these feelings resurface know you have the tools to transmute them into crystalline energy. Checking yourself, listening to what it is that your are expressing in your imagination about who you are and what you stand for. Feeling that the old way just isn’t working for you any longer and embracing the light and the darkness of your self, embodying the wholeness of balance in your life. 

On this day a portal opens so you can let go of fear, let go of self doubt, let go of blame, let go of anything that is not serving your higher purpose in life. Knowing what your higher purpose is, embodying the shifts, releasing anything that makes you feel heavy about who you are, who you say to yourself that you are, your “I AM”. 

I am….the name of God which you are not just a piece of but embody wholeheartedly in your vessel, your instrument, your body which tunes you to a specific frequency. This frequency resonates across all realms, through all densities, through the etheric field of consciousness creating your realty, manifesting circumstances. Take a minute to breathe and just allow your self to absorb divine frequencies instead of these mundane frequencies that only bog the soul down making you feel weighted and burdened. 

You are shifting timelines shifting away from your understanding of what is old, the Old Earth of war and darkness to the New Earth of peace and knowledge. By resonating at a frequency that is high in peace and love not just for others but for yourself, you bring this New Earth, your new existence into fruition. 

This  New Earth is only for frequencies of open hearts and open minds. By being open, you embrace the wholeness of creation. It will be received and acknowledged by those who know its existence. This awareness of the New Earth will embrace your soul giving life and shape shifting  your every day reality. Welcome to the greatest consciousness shift in human history. The New Earth is here for you! 

To understand you are more than your physical body is the first step towards becoming aware that you have magic inside every cell of your body. This “magic” is also known as “life force”, “prana”, “spirit”, “quantum entanglement”, “energy” or “God” and flows through you the same as it flows through your neighbor. To become aware that your imagination is what is shaping and shifting your reality is to hold a simple yet complex key for your life. We all have one thing in common on the planet Earth and that is the “I”. 

What is love? Love is energy, a special quantum mana substance used in all of creation, in all of manifestations in life. Baking cookies with a splash of love will make those cookies taste much better. Anything done in love or out of love makes it grow. This same energy know as love is the same energy that flows through your cells in your body, this life giving force. You are a creator so you have the right to call it anything you want to call it. God and love are the same thing God is love and this energy flows through you to help you create your “I”.  I am is the name of God. 

Is an organ in your body such as the heart or such as the stomach also you? Would you be alive without your heart or any organ in your body? Is your heart you? Is your stomach you? Yes, it is you, not just apart of you because you wouldn’t be alive without it just the same as this God force energy in your body, this life energy is YOU! 

Feel wholeheartedly the simple but complex awareness that you have extraordinary human abilities to create along the side of other creators in this collective consciousness on this planet. We create each other, we create the World we live in, we create it by our imagination. We are all co-creators of each other and the universe hears your thoughts. 

What effects our imagination? What manipulates reality collectively in todays society? Programming….where does programming come from? 

If humanity as a collective on Earth goes only off the information we receive on a daily basis through watching the mainstream media then our understanding of the state of humanity could  be super negative. We start to imagine the worst when we see it being exploited out at us and when we imagine it we call it into existence. 

To understand that if one has the power to control the narrative by using the news then one has the control to shape this world unless we as a collective start to see the bigger picture by coercing our imaginations!!! What do you believe? Why do you believe it?

The greater part of human suffering is not due to natural disasters but instead is sadly inflicted by humans on one another.  What we consume as the mainstream daily “news” is not the whole picture but instead a imagined controlled narrative for the collective consciousness of man.  Even the way that the news is reported and commented on even by the so-called respectable news channels has true biases and distortions of what the truth is.  

There are so many positive things happening  that are not considered newsworthy but are in fact of much greater significance than any of those daily acts of violence and destruction. We have all been through so much these past few years that so many are coming to the conclusion that they are apart of something larger happening on Earth now. 

By knowing you are a powerful creator in your life, by turning away from the old TV programming paradigms, we all have the ability to shift the reality of our entire planet together one by one creating the New Earth. 

“The New Earth is an expression used in the Book of Isaiah (65:17 & 66:22), 2 Peter (3:13), and the Book of Revelation (21:1) in the Bible to describe the final state of redeemed humanity. It is one of the central doctrines of Christian eschatology and is referred to in the Nicene Creed as the world to come.” Wikipedia 

Man Made UFOs? Massive Campaign Disinformation?Alien Threat Narrative? WAIT…WHAAAAT?

Man Made UFOs? Massive Campaign For Disinformation? Alien Threat Narrative? WAIT…WHAAAAAT?

Eva Rozier | IE | Copyright June 7, 2021

Is there a 70 year old strategic plan by the CABAL or DS to say there is a big UFO threat around the world that causes us to unite world wide through a militaristic totalitarian effort?   The flying triangles that is trending on social media and throughout traditional media news shows “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” or UAPs is pretty interesting. What’s more interesting is the fact that these no are longer called UFOs but are now called UAPs to start with. So instead of using the term UFO we are now using the term UAP or USP “Unidentified Submersible Phenomena”. What is the importance of this? Who makes up these terms anyway? 

Personally a UAP, USP or UFO is all the same thing, it’s “unidentifiable” or is it? Were human beings able to back engineer technology from other beings in the Universe? Has there been a major “cover up” taking place to discredit information that we have this technology and have for years? Well folks, this may be the case.What does this mean? It means that over the years there have been many people to know something that the massive collective on Earth does not know, that we have this amazing technology that would change all of human kind. 

Due to a COVID-19 relief bill that Trump signed the Pentagon was supposed to release files that were once unknown to the public about “extraterrestrial” crafts. It’s extremely confusing when the “report” is just some guy with a smirk on his face saying “NO EVIDENCE OF ALIEN SPACE CRAFT” but at the same time can not say what the “tic-tac” shaped flying phenomenon is.  Does this mean that they are man made then? The US intel report makes NO definitive findings about UFOs. This means they aren’t saying they are UFOs and they aren’t saying they aren’t. Well duh, if that isn’t an answer within itself then what is? 

What we the people should try to understand is that there is a major campaign taking place to make HUGE waves of disinformation. This report from the director of national intelligence was supposed to be released early on June 1, 2021 but has been delayed and  its due date June 25, 2021 but we may never get a report because the report was indefinite. One good question to ask ourselves as a collective is why is the element of surprise so important? 

We now have weapons in space. This is something that many of us as a collective don’t even think about. What’s the reason these weapons are in space for? Who built them? What countries are involved? “The report comes at a time when a number of countries, including Japan, France, South Korea and the United States, are expanding or standing up military organizations specifically focused on space, with officials in those nations hinting at, if not outright declaring, the need to expand their respective space weapon capabilities.”

“While the Partial Test Ban Treaty and the Outer Space Treaty place limits on the weaponization of space, Harrison argues there is no real consensus on what the weaponization of space means — even as it is becoming impossible to deny that a number of nations already have space weapons.”

So yes, weapons in space, weapons on Earth. I’m guessing this is human nature to want to protect what is ours but is Earth ours? There are many questions to ask regarding this. In February 2021 former US intelligence CIA agent goes out on the news reports that he was a victim of a “microwave weapon”. He states the CIA did not support him or believe him at first. He was officially diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury. I’ve linked the report below and it is mind boggling. Why is main stream media covering stories like this now?

Dr.  Steven Greer “founded the Center for the Study of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) in 1990 to create a diplomatic and research-based initiative to contact extraterrestrial civilizations. The official statements regarding its intentions also included a new category of extraterrestrial encounters, namely CE-5 or ‘close encounters of the fifth kind’.

“This was defined by Greer as human initiated contact and/or communication with extraterrestrial life. Since its inception, the organization has spent anywhere between $3.5 million and $5 million to achieve its goals. The organization claims to have over 3,000 confirmed reports of UFO sightings by pilots, and over 4,000 proofs of what they describe as landing traces. This refers to incidents where UFOs have supposedly left behind trace evidence, such as electromagnetic readings, after landing on Earth. The organization utilizes ‘Rapid Mobilization Investigative Teams’ with the aim of arriving at landing sites as quickly as possible. CSETI has defined a protocol for human initiated contact to UFOs using consciousness.”

Dr. Greer says we all can make peaceful contact with ET by the use of meditation through higher states of consciousness. He is working hard to make sure we the people know the truth and that we learn to see through the false narratives that mainstream media portrays. He is working on releasing a documentary this month that helps the collective on a world wide scale understand that ET life forms are not hostile and are helping humanity.

In the 70’s a man named Ted Peterson also wrote about this. He reports that that making contact is actually apart of spirituality.

Does our government want us to think there’s an alien invasion so they can control the overall collective even more? Who is Daniel Sheehan? What is his role in all of this? Does Luis Elizondo, the man in the recent 60 mins interview about UFOs know something we don’t know? These are questions we should ask ourselves, is there a plan to create an alien invasion narrative? Who knows, I’m just happy the mainstream media is now discussing this topic but for years now the truth has been hidden and we deserve answers.

Earth is Simply A Playground, Happy 2021

Author: Eva Rozier, IE, RYT 200, RN

Your soul is energy and this same energy is what creates everyone and everything in this Universe. When broken down to purely an energetic state, we are all connected and we are all one.

We are all here because we have a purpose to be here and a reason and motivation for existing. Many wise sages over the years have said that Earth is simply a playground where we come to learn things and experience life in the material form.

On Earth we can indulge in physical and material pleasures, and learn what it means to feel love, hate and everything in between.

On a soul level, we are all here to walk this journey, and even though everyone’s path is slightly different, we all come here with a group of souls that are energetically in harmony with us. These Soul Groups are connected to us in higher realms and also during our time on Earth.

People from our designated Soul Groups are those that we have a soul contract with, and are supposed to be part of our learning journey on this earth. Sometimes we also agree to team up with these souls in order to create and bring new innovation to earth.We all belong to certain soul groups, and these soul groups all serve a different purpose in our lives.

With Love & Light 💡

Eva Rozier~

Where is Within? What is Inner Guidance?

Author: Eva Rozier, IE, RYT 200, RN, Starseed, Lightworker

Natural desire to have inner guidance, peace and clarity

As we draw closer to this wellbeing source, we start to flow into the direction of our intentions. This is a simple concept to grasp but only when we are able to become centered. There is this instinctive drive all human beings have inside and it is a question we all ask ourselves. What is my purpose in life? The truth of the matter is you are a part of the wave of consciousness here on Earth. Your life’s purpose is to love and to understand you are not separate from all other life. 

Stress states such as feeling separate, feeling lonely fade away when you grasp that you have intuition that is guiding your intentions. You already know that you are from a source of pure love, we all are. We all are love and high vibrating energy sources. We create our own reality through this inner guidance and intention. Once you start to think in the way of connectedness then this is the starting point of the source of wellbeing which is inside you all this time. Those emotions of negative source will fade out of your life when you understand you are connected to everyone, connected to all of life and you are connected to the universe. 

How we feel comes from our inner world. Peace that you seek in your life comes from you. Clarity that you seek comes from you. The two states of being is suffering and not suffering, awareness or unawareness. When you focus on suffering, you get more suffering. We have the choice. Suffering is due to individual thinking, it connects with the ego. By being in the state of not suffering you have the thinking of connectedness, that you are connected to others. Therefore I will say it again, your suffering is self-centered suffering. 

When there is a challenge in your life, you have a choice to focus on the challenge or focus on the opportunity. When you come from a place of focus on how bad your life is then there will be no growth or no source of wellbeing. 

Inner World 

“The five colors blind the eye. The five tones deafen the ear. The five flavors dull the taste. The chase and the hunt craze people’s minds. Wasting energy to obtain rare objects only impedes ones growth. The master observes the world but trust her inner vision. She allows things to come and go. She prefers what is within to what is without.” Tao Te Ching Verse 12.

In this passage of the Tao Te Ching Lao Tzu shows us that the outer world that we see is given way too much attention to more so than the inner world. How can we know the creator when we focus so much on the creation before us? We are in this world but not of this world. By having eyes to see, ears to hear, a nose to smell, a mouth to taste and fingers to touch we as human beings can get sucked into the illusion that the physical is all that is reality. That’s further from the truth though. I’ve had this concept explained in many different ways but it was not until the Tao passage above that it really hit home. It made sense to teach others that basically if all you are focusing on is the physical, the already created, then you are not focusing on what to create, being the creator. 

The chase, the rat race, the always wanting more and more and more is a formula for absolute insanity.

A person that understands what this passage is teaching is a person that can be in the world but not consumed with the five senses for satisfaction. This chase for more money and more power can never ever make a person feel completely satisfied. The constant world of consumption only says to the universe that you don’t have…don’t have…don’t have. Sensory satisfaction is not what life is about. How can we arrive to inner peace and abundance when our entire state of being is about not having enough?  

Earth is only a temporary world of physical outer appearances. Your body which you were born into and will leave from is only temporary. Nothing here on Earth that is of the physical is lasting, not fame, not fortune, so it is so important to go beyond your sensory level. Instead of only focusing on the five senses go inward to your inner world. 

Where is inner?

Your physical senses knows that a sunflower is more than just that sunflower. The sunflower has soft yellow petals and seeds that portray an amazing sequenced pattern. Your inner self knows that the sunflower is more than just a flower. As you go within get in touch with the creator of that sunflower, the creator that created the flower from a tiny seed.

Understand that the seed arrived from a world of nothingness, a world of the unseen. This is your inner world, the unseen spiritual inner self we all have inside of us. See that the colors and the textures all come from a spirt that is unseen, a creative invisible force.

Now look at all of life from a transcendent perspective. To be able to see life from a higher transcendent perspective you rise above any given reality. When you shape your perspective you are able to go inward you will be less needing to live from this temporary physical place and join the chase. You will want to live your life from your true inner world from your true inner conventions not of this world. Quit being consumed with the attainment of more and more and more. Step back and go inward and watch how others are consumed with this chase when you can just relax. This transcendent perspective allows you to go within instead of without. 

Here is a poem I wrote in 2009 about the inner:

Internal Compass

Traveling on the road against the wind-
Trying to make sense of where it’s leading.
I feel afraid, alone, is anyone here?
Can you hear me? Can you hear my

Taking up space and wondering what this place is?
Why did I come here? How did I get here?
Blink and there I was!
Flying around high above, ground me!
Try to understand me! 

I cannot help who I am.


Made me this way!!!!


Take it slow.
Concentrate on the sounds,

Feel the air against my skin-

Hear the singing birds once again….
Just be still for a moment.
It’s all still spinning around me!
Is this what it feels like to be free?

I’m wondering.

I cannot understand how I got here so fast-
Rush, rush…..
Deciding I cannot do this alone!-
No matter how brave I become,

No matter what physical strength I’ve gained.

It turns into DUST!
The MUST of our own LUST!
It’s always inside all of us

Wanting more and more and more.
Can you hear me?

Can you hear my heart?
Can you see inside?

It’s not a question anymore.

The endless sense of time, 

Eternity becomes real-
Felt when I surrender to be still,
Let myself feel.

Guidance, which way this time?
Protection, from what causes pain-
Discipline, to stay on the narrow line-

Of endless time.

My internal compass, my God, my understanding of-

How do we get there?

Plant a seed and cultivate it, observe its life time with the knowing that you also started with that same tiny seed. Use this plant to remind your invisible inner self. “At the center of your being you have the answer, you know who you are and you know what you want.” Lao Tzu.

There is a way to go to that inner self, it is awareness. When you become aware of your true center, you wake up to who you really are. This requires you to let go completely of who you imagine yourself to be, let go of the ego that ties you to what you have or what you do. Know that you are connected to everyone and everything on this planet and in this universe. 

When you become engaged in the here and now, when stay in the center of your life, you start to feel as if everything is fun. Start playing with the idea that every single outcome good or bad is not who you are, stay that the center and visualize is all around you. 

Think of the oceans

Water remembers…..

Enlightenment is when the drop of water realizes it’s a wave in the ocean. Mother Nature can teach us the way in life. Simple yet complex our ocean rises and falls with the ebb and flow of its tides. The ocean sea shore shrinks then expands in a rhythmic synchronicity that is transcended by an unseen greater force. There is a reason that water is used for spiritual symbolism and yet so many are blind to its lessons cast out in front of them. The body of water is vast on Earth expanding its borders to 70% of Earth compared to the 30% of land that is on Earth. The numbers can show us how important that the ocean is but is it soles purpose to capture our senses? Is the oceans only purpose on Earth to embody life? No. The ocean can be thought of as an illusion of collective consciousness for the purpose of awareness and enlightenment. 

Like a mouth of a river flowing into the ocean we need to learn to go with the flow instead of going against the tides. Through following this one lesson the ocean has to teach we may discover that we become more flexible and not so rigid.  This lesson teaches us that there is an unseen force that allows us to flow into that large body of water from the beginning to the end. Ride the waves, go with the flow in life and you will find that you have more fun. 

Water is life!

Water is alive!

Water is listening….

Water is giving!

Water is taking!

Water has consciousness….

Water has memory!

Speak to the water from a place of love and know it listens.

Pray into the water, water intensifies your prayer. 

It’s sad but true people aren’t awoken to the fact that water has consciousness, water has memory and this has been proven multiple times scientifically. The claim made that water has memory was first made in the 1980’s by Dr. Jacques Benveniste. He was a pioneer during his time on this Earth to raise awareness about his discovery. This was a HUGE controversial discovery then after Benveniste’s passing another amazing man, Professor Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize Laurnate. As this information began to gain more and more attention we understand on a higher level now that our emotions effect water molecules. These scientist in Germany have unveiled some far out facts that water retains emotion and memory! 

Now just think about how much of our bodies are water, think about how much of the earth is water. This spectacular knowledge about water suggest that everyone alive on Earth is globally connected by water in the body that continues on its journey into other bodies. Most of us do not even think about this fact but the water that has been in my body possibly is in your body right now. 

Your intention, your prayers, travel from your spirit in an unseen electrical state of emotion through your atoms, your cells, your organs, your body to the water, the clouds then the rain. This is how the cycles of collective consciousness effects life. The water evaporated may turn into snow or rain or hail. Think of all the prayers you’ve said into the water that rains onto the collective life on Earth. 

It’s already there

As we search for the answer to the purpose of life we grow richer in spiritual awareness. When aware you are able to tap into the source of true intention. The source of true intention is spirit and is your soul. This search for the need to fill the voids in the heart with sensory temporary fulfillment will never satisfy the thirst for the forever expanding need for growth our souls crave. Our bodies crave nourishment for fuel to go on in everyday life but our souls crave expansion. This expansion is the same as the expansion that goes on every single day in the vastness of the universe we live in. 

There is an internal compass we all have inside. Spirit pulls us there and whispers to us through small lessons as the years pass us by on this earth. There is not one single day that you walk this planet that your intention, your soul does not speak to you. The gut feeling that you have out of nowhere is from intuition and when we learn to trust that intuition is when inner balance takes place. 

The Seven Seas Are Really One

Author: Eva Rozier, IE, RYT 200, RN, Starseed / Copyright 2020

We all connect through an unseen force on Mother Earth. This unseen force is “space”. We’ve learned now that space is not empty, it’s very dense and full of energy. The word “space” doesn’t define where you stop and where I start, it defines where we connect instead.

How so? Well, scientific research shows that we live in a holographic universe and on different scales of matter we have the same level of energy inside our bodies as the entire universe does. Yes, that’s right. We live in a holographic universe!

From spiritual teachers to physics teachers, they agree that we have the universe inside of us. This is important to understand completely because the more that understand this the more we unite in this thought process which increases the collective consciousness on Earth. When unified in the same thought process is when huge changes can be made on Mother Gaia, Mother Earth.  

Do you see the ocean a whole body of water or the ocean as single divided particles of water? Of course any person would answer it is a body of water and a whole. What is water though? You all know that water is a chemical makeup of one atom of oxygen bound to two atoms of hydrogen.

What is an atom? Easy enough, an atom is the smallest unit of matter that has a nucleus, quarks, electrons and protons. These separate particles that make up a water molecule as we know it as a whole molecule. When you drink a cup of water are you drinking thousands of atoms that are combined together or thousands of water molecules? Yes!!!!!!, you are but we do not think of it that way, we think of the cup of water as a whole cup of water correct? Pan out, see the whole picture in its entirety, we are human and have this ability to think at this level.

We know now because it was studied in the laboratory by physics scientist, the little tiny proton has particles are entangled that connect them like vessels that connect our organs. At the end of each connection or entanglement there is a thing called the “Planck unit” inside of the proton (it is super tiny, I mean tiny). One proton connects to ALL other protons in the universe. All particles and all “black holes” in the universe are entangled through these vessels that some call “worm holes”. 

(In particle physics and physical cosmologyPlanck units are a set of units of measurement defined exclusively in terms of four universal physical constants, in such a manner that these physical constants take on the numerical value of 1 when expressed in terms of these units.)- Wikipedia

Everything is entangled like how inside our body our organs and cells are connected through our vessels. So we know that particles are connected in this similar way. There is a certain way that scientist connects these particles in the lab and have done MULTIPLE experiments to PROVE this. This is NOT made up but sounds like it could be, right? There is an equation that has the mass of the universe in it and the mass of one proton of the universe has been calculated to have that same mass inside of it. NO KIDDING. This is not “quantum weirdness”, it’s not fiction, and this has actually been studied in detail by some amazing scientist.

No particle is separate from the other! Proven in the laboratory!

Once we all understand that everything is connected through this network of unseen vessels thought our atoms, inside our protons, we know that the idea of oneness is a fact.

When measured in laboratory particles two particles can be entangled at instantaneous speed. If we measure one particle is manipulated then the other one no matter how far away is also manipulated at the same speed, no matter if it’s done at the speed of light. There is no delay in this manipulation of information to be transferred to the other at the same exact time. This proves how PRAYER works. Spiritual teachers….preachers….does prayer work?

It seems so elementary to even ask these simple questions to yourself but the truth is that on our planet Earth we have the mindset of division on the large scale of things. As we become more conscious of the unified field of life then we start to become aware that all of life are all just waves of vibration of the underlying unified field of consciousness. Oneness is the essential truth, the all. 

“The ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental”-

 1st Hermetic Principle (ancient knowledge)

Let’s get on the scale of the Mother Earth now, the scale of how our Earth is connected. Have you ever looked at a spinning model globe or a map and noticed that the seven seas are all connected? Have you ever even thought about it? Yes we all know these seven seas on the earth with different names all connect but think about it for a minute. Pause reading this and really think about it. 

The Seven Seas Are Really One
And then on this scale….each planet makes the whole solar system….

It is reasonable to say that these seas all have separate names for geological location references but it does go much deeper than that on a subconscious level. The oceans that we know as SEPERATE all CONNECT.  We as a human race will progress to a much more advanced society once we start to realize that we are all connected like the body of the ocean in a collective body of living consciousness.

Water has been a source of spiritual teachings in ancient times.

The symbolism of water is powerful. Why do these religions speak so much of water? The reason is that water has such a deep subconscious root inside our minds, bodies and souls. We use water to clean, to get baptized, and to give life. Water is used in every single day of our lives. Babies grow in water in the womb of women.

All religions see water as being sacred. The stories of water told in Christianity, in Hinduism, in Buddhism, in Taoism, told by Native Americans, and in Judaism are all used for some sort of spiritual lesson. Water truly does connect us all to the source of life on more than the physical level and what is the source of life? Emotion? Love? Spirit? Energy. 

 There is a unified field at the bases of all of life, the unity is consciousness. Universal consciousness brings us to having an OCEAN of existence. We are all united at the core.

As we grow to understand this, we become enlightened. The Universe is conscious, this means that it is a living thing as well and its heart beat is our consciousness. We are all a part of the universe. The deeper you begin to understand this you more you begin to realize science has proven this over and over again. Scientist agree that there is a unified source, the unified field. What is consciousness made up of? Emotion. 

Look at our Mother Earth for valuable spiritual lessons is something that is deeply rooted inside all of us through our genetic makeup. Our ancestors have a profound imprint on our genes passed down to us and all of that stored up information is apart of who we are. By being able to see that the one very thing that gives life is water and taking this opportunity to grow by using the lessons it has to teach us the human race will be able to unit on a conscious level.

Planetary consciousness, all of us knowing we are one, really is the key to what we all create for ourselves. The more of us that begin to think at this higher perspective, the more that we all will change some deep rooted subconscious division that divides me from you and you from me. Nature really is smarter than we as human beings are. 

Here is a poem wrote in 2016 after Hurricane Matthew swept away the island I was living on. Using Mother Nature as an example of how she can teach us to have an unconscious cleans.

“Life Is a Gift”

Subtitled: Unconscious Cleanse

(Hurricane Matthew 2016)Eva Rozier

Foundations melt into the sea-

Existence of reality torn into two separate pieces.

From the center of consciousness, inferior to the heart

Set free from beautiful, natural destruction.

Gripped carpels holding tight to the stake that makes its claim,

Unable to be lifted with much force-

She cries out for her father into the light.

Her face weathered with premature lines of fear.

Her shelter is her dream-

Her dream is her shelter.

Pink flamingos sway with the wind-

Flags shredded from shard debris.

Natures broom sweeps its bristles across the country

Sections devised will begin to piece together unrealizable gain of intuition.

As one, he wants us to be in the fear of his hand-

In the fear of his hand, he wants us to be as one.

She sees beyond the horizon of black-

Into the depths of weightlessness.

The water flows into interstitial crevices of reality.

A genius of cleans and growth!

2016 Eva Rozier

“The supreme goodness is like water. It benefits all things without contention. In dwelling, it stays grounded. In being, it flow to depths. In expressions, it is honest. In confrontation, it stays gentle. In governance it does not control. In action, it aligns to timing. It is content with its nature, and therefore cannot be faulted.” Tao Te Ching- Passage #8.

This accent passage proves how nature can teach us profound deep rooted lessons. Water is flexible put can cut large grooves in the earth over time as the river bed flows. 

The Arctic Ocean, The North Atlantic Ocean, The South Atlantic Ocean, The Indian Ocean, The North Pacific Ocean, The South Pacific Ocean and The Southern (or Antarctic) Ocean are only names we have given to this large body of water on the Mother Earth we all live on. This ONE BODY of OCEAN all CONNECTS AND CONNECTS ALL, the:

Seven Seas Are Really One. And this is a beautiful thing.

I will say it once more oneness is essential truth, the all

Take a Walk in The Quantum Field of Love

Author: Eva Rozier, RN/ IE/ RYT 200/ Starseed/ Lightworker

The joyful journey

YOU are the answer to YOU

Time is a PERSISTENT illusion that is INSISTENT

Today is ___/____/____ BUT….time is only an illusion. Have you ever gone without seeing a loved one for a long period of time like days, like months or like years passed? When you see this loved one after this long period of time does it feel like time passed at all? Time is not linear, not in a straight line like we are taught it is. What else is an illusion in this so-called world of “reality”? Have you ever been in a dream that seemed so real to only wake up from the dream and wish that dream was the reality? The way I understand reality is in the form of density. 

  • When you use your imagination to visualize what you want to see if your “future” it actually is happening in the “now”. Know that “time” is only a word we gave to define moments. Make your intuition become your tactical reality. 
  • Is this all there is? When you remember the “past” or think about your “future” isn’t it in this moment of the NOW that you are experiencing this moment?
  • Feel for your next best thought. Emotion is energy.

The “law of one” speaks of 8 densities of awareness. I can say that personally I had dreams that took me to another density of reality. Dreaming of demons, dreaming of angels, dreaming of orb spirits, dreaming of aliens, dreaming of meeting prophetic guides and dreaming of being in layers of time stacked in one over my years on Earth taught me about this. Creation does have several levels of density, it is not linear like we are taught. Who is to say that reality is not also a dream we awake from? By linear I mean in a straight line past, present then future line. Would you agree that while in a dream that you believe it’s real? 

The law of one“Ra” Material states: This is super interesting and I recommend that if you are unaware of the law of one to research it in detail. It is NOT like the law of attraction in its content at all. This is proof of a person being able to tap into that “infinite information” from the universe that is timeless. 

  1. First density- awareness
  2. Second density- growth
  3. Third density- self- awareness
  4. Fourth density- love/understanding/ social memory complexes
  5. Fifth density- light or wisdom- able to shape physical form
  6. Sixth density- unity, lessons cannot be mastered without unity
  7. Seventh density- gateway density, become one with the all
  8. Eighth density- both omega and alpha/ spiritual mass of the infinite universe/ becoming creator

You have the ability through meditation and through focus to take control of your journey through this life time here on Earth. OVER AND OVER and over again story after story there has been people claiming that they had an afterlife experience that was “realer” than this reality we “live” in now. We must know that we have control of the manifestations we see in our life through emotion. Emotion is the key to fine tuning the information that will guide you through this walk in life. 

You have to make a decision to take control and rewire your subconscious thought process with emotion! I’ve said this before but paying attention to how you feel is SO important. This is a KEY factor to any outcome. Outcomes are manifestations or fruits of life are directly grown by how you feel. What is it that you are feeling about yourself now in life? 

Focus is a skill


This brain of ours has different operations to different areas in the brain. The frontal lobe is called the prefrontal cortex which is responsible for the decision making skills and regulating our behavior and self-control/willpower. When taken care of and worked out to have the skill of focus it unlocks potential within. Being mindful is the brain at work. Give your brain a work out and become a more mindful person. 

  • Get enough sleep
  • Listen to daily positive affirmations
  • Meditate
  • Gain integrity (do what you say and say what you do) 
  • Trust yourself, don’t let yourself down
  • Take time for yourself

These simple tasks can help you light up your frontal lobe. Because in this life what you do affects what I do and vice versa. What you do affects me and what that affects is collective consciousness. 

You are a genius

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You


Being grateful for what you were born into this world is what will set you on your right path in life. Having the understanding that you have a special contribution to this planet’s wellbeing is what will make a huge shift in this planet’s future along with your own future. Once you gain this knowing that it is gratitude that will make a shift in your paradigm of reality then you know others have this same faculty or power inside. 

What does the word genius mean? CREATIVE POWER, NATURAL ABILITY OR exceptional intelligence. Notice the word OR. When most people think about the word genius they think high IQ. This is not 100% true though. For example, the Henry Ford story. Most know the story but basically he had as much as an elementary school education YET he built the FIRST gas combustion engine and grew RICH by coming up with a MASTERMIND GENIUS plan. He is just ONE example. 

Dr. Wayne Dyer is one of my personal spiritual guides of my lifetime. In his GENIUS ways he helped MANY, MANY souls on this Earth see this truth. He said “Genius is a potential that lives within you and every other human being. You have many moments of genius in your lifetime.”  Dr. Dyer also knew that everything connects, we are one. He taught others that there is no such thing as luck, everything connects to everything else but NO BODY on this planet is EXCLUDED from this UNIVERSAL power which is intention. What does intention have to do with being a GENIUS? Well intention is a source of POWER inside it is the ROOT of desire. Desire blossoms from intention like a flower from its stem. Then desire is what sets forth into action a materialistic manifestation like publishing a book. 

Your uniqueness and unique creative ideas make you a genius. YES you have a special creative power inside, WE ALLLLLLLLL DO! So it would be in your benefit to CLAIM it! You are a genius. Practice these small lessons:

  • Listen to your internal compass.
  • Have a clear visual of what your intention is. 
  • Don’t be afraid to face fear so you take action.
  • Pray or silently talk to yourself for validation.
  • Be appreciative for what you have now so that more will grow.
  • Remind yourself daily that you are a spiritual being not just physical.
  • Give no credit to your TITLE, practice egoless-ness.
  • Remove doubt so that you have a KNOWING.
  • Make things simple for yourself. 
  • Look for the GENIUS in others. 

Stay connected to your inner self first so that you can stay connected to all. 

Will Power Takes Practice

When you eat that apple a day, the negative thoughts start to decay.

You have the power to do anything you put your mind to. This statement is simple but complex and at times can seem to not quite match up with our belief about where we are now in life as evidenced by our own self-talk. Our conscious minds have the power to direct our subconscious minds since our subconscious does not have the ability to reject any information. Our subconscious mind is where our emotional state originates from without knowing. The fact is we are tapping into parts of our mind we are not comfortable with and stepping out into unknown territory when we face the fears we have internalized. Gaining a better understanding of our own self is not the easiest thing to do. It really does take work and it takes studying about it to truly gain a strong grasp on it. 

Our subconscious mind must accept what our conscious mind tells it. It cannot tell the difference between what is real or what is imagined. If you can visualize yourself to do something then you already have it. THAT IS THE TRUTH. Now, it’s not like you can just visualize it one time and it manifests in your life. You have to visualize this daily. Not only do you have to visualize this you need to feel it in your heart deeply with an emotional state of love. Let your intentions to whatever it is you are desiring in your life come from a place of love and gratitude. When you do this, study it, see it there in your mind and have it there in your heart regularly and daily then you will be able to also hold it in your hand. 

Fear boils down to self-image. Are you the kitten or are you the lion? PURRRR or ROOOAAAR? What is it that you tell yourself about yourself? This knowledge is so powerful and TRUE. You have to know that YOU are responsible for telling yourself what it is that YOU tell yourself. What you tell yourself is YOUR TRUTH!!!! Why would you curse yourself? People do though because they lack insight into internal dialogue. Learn to love yourself so you quit cursing yourself. I don’t mean saying dirty words to yourself I mean cursing yourself by claiming ANYTHING that is negative self-talk. Once you are able to recognize this and recognize where your fear is branching from then are will recognize a freedom from your fear!!! It is just that simple. Go in that CAVE and GET YOUR TREASURE!!!

Take a walk and remind yourself of four key aspects to gain will power.

  • Just before the point of breaking in life changes your mindset, re-evaluate your internal dialogue.
  • Listen to daily positive affirmations, it’s just this simple to rebuild what may have been knocked down.
  • Take time to be alone with you and your mat, I mean breath.
  • Empower others so that you are empowered, you cannot teach it unless you are also putting it into action. 

Will power comes strong in life when you have an almost breaking point. We all go through these in life there is not one person that has a super perfect life without struggle. Struggle at some point and in some shape or form is only measured by you. You decide what your struggle is and decide if the struggle will produce the goal you are aiming for or not. Not one person in life made it to the top without failure, it takes practice to gain this willpower which then turns into faith. You KNOW without any wavering doubts that you WILL do this because you WILL do that. 

Going for that but getting this

“If you are the antenna then your emotion is the dial”. Nassim Haramein

Our NERVOUS SYSTEM acts like an ANTENNA which is tuned to and responds to magnetic fields produced by the hearts of other individuals. This type of communication is called “energetic communication.” This type of communication is believed to be the ability that amplifies our awareness and facilitates important features of true empathy and sensitivity to others. This communication is reported to be an enhanced and deepened communication skill we have as humans. Don’t all antennas have a dial? What is more important: the ANTENNA or the dial? BOTH! They work together for fine tuning specific information like we all do every day of our lives. So what is the dial? Emotion. 

When you set forth on a new journey and find yourself with an entirely different outcome that what you expected to know it is your own self talk that sent out to the universe the outcome you got.  

Because we all know by now that it is scientifically proven we all have an energy field we now need to understand that it can become cluttered up. This field of ours can be measured and is a science.  The way you feel is a representation of your energy field. Are you feeling low, tired, and foggy minded, overwhelmed, living with no passion and have negative thoughts? Then ask yourself what things do you need to let go? What is it that you have too much of in your life? To be at a high frequency state of vibration and attract into our life what we desire we must have balance. 

 Being in balance with emotions is the first way to de-clutter your energy field. Eat the correct foods for your body. Get in touch with how you feel when you eat this and when you eat that. The truth is not one of us balances our fields the same way or are able to eat the same things to have balance. While I may eat a banana to have balance you may need a cup of yogurt or a hamburger. We cannot hold onto our truths about what we believe is whole foods because the truth is that we are all made up differently. 

Too much love and joy makes you out of balance too. You have to rest just as much as you feel that joy. Sleeping or meditation, same benefit. This is so important to maintain your balanced vibration. As you are able to become conscious about how you feel then you will able to control this energy field you have as well. Know that when you wake up every day your energy is cleared. 

The first thing in the morning is to wake up and be thankful for something. Latch onto a thought of the day and share it with others. By being grateful for being in the now, it speeds up your momentum towards what it is in your life that you are desiring. Tune yourself to love and be grateful for your sheets on your bed when you open your eyes. Make this a habit, be grateful for the t-shirt you are wearing and how soft it is. By doing this you take any resistance away from manifesting desires in your life because your focus is on bringing those emotions in that helps you to be tuned in to love, tapped in to the source that is higher than us, and turned on to being conscious of these emotions. Embrace the contrast that you bring to the world, allow yourself to have conversations about some fascinating facts with others and see how the universe will start to bring into your life what you are thinking about. 

  • It feels so good to wake up to the birds singing outside-
  • These sheets feel so good wrapped around my warm body-
  • This pillow is so snuggly-
  • I feel so rested and refreshed-
  • I have a nice sleeping space-
  • Today will be a good day-
  • Today something amazing will happened-
  • Because I know that how I feel attracts the more of that same feeling I will focus on feeling good today-
  • The universe always lines things up just perfectly for me-
  • I have the ability to change my reality by seeing myself in the future-
  • I make it a habit to create POSITIVE change in my life-
  • I am abundant-
  • Because I know that abundance comes in many forms and I define what it is, I will be grateful for what I have now knowing I have all I need already-
  • I am grateful for this new day-
  • As I breathe in this new day air into my lungs I breathe in confidence and exhale fear-
  • I am a confident person in my own abilities and specialties-
  • What I say becomes-
  • I am ok with my own imperfections –
  • I am perfectly imperfect-
  • I forgive myself for mistakes I’ve made-
  • I only grow stronger every day I live-
  • I am in control of me-
  • I am connected to the universal intelligence-
  • I am a creator-
  • I know I have a purpose in this universe, what I do matters-
  • I am growing in my spirituality every day-
  • I make it a habit to say positive affirmations to myself every single day-
  • I have integrity-
  • Because I am able to do what I say and say what I do, I know I am a creator-
  • I think and I grow rich –
  • I am wealthy-
  • I am a GENIUS-
  • I am special-
  • Because I have the ability to define what wealth is, I know I have wealth in my life already-
  • I know what I focus on I bring more of in life-
  • When I focus on the wealth I already have in my life, I know more is SURE to come-

Namaste- the light in me bows to the light in you. 

We can achieve this together. I am here to serve you and you are here to serve me. We grow together as a collective consciousness and what we say to ourselves on the daily bases matters and affects all outcomes on Earth. What we tell ourselves daily affects our outcomes. If you’ve ever gone for something with a certain goal but got a different outcome, one not desired it is only because you told yourself opposite than those positive affirmations you just read above. Practice saying these every day in your life for the rest of your life to grow rich in your idea of what wealth is so you can give to others. 

Finish what you start

Integrity is the name of the game

I used to think that going with the flow in life was the way to live an abundant life but I was wrong. Having a definite plan and following through with it is the way to accomplish anything in life. Some people think that going with the flow means just waiting for things to happen for you and going with it is how to live a happy life full of health, wealth and happiness. The truth is that going with the flow is not knowing that you are actually in charge of the flow. YOU ARE THE ONE THAT CREATES THE FLOW. 

Yes, I believe in “Ease and Flow” but this does not mean just chilling out waiting for things to happen for you. YOU HAVE to make plans to see a dramatic shift in your paradigm. Having a plan and sticking with it until it is completed all the way is what creates this shift. Finish what you start all the way. Practice this when you cook a meal. Cooking a meal involves planning it, cooking it and then wrapping it up by cleaning and storing away any leftovers. It does not just involve cooking. 

Having integrity builds a strong foundation in your personal character. This does take practice along with focus to master. By being mindful of finishing what you start you can make a change in others life because what you do affects what I do and so on and so on. 

Be inspired and meeting in the middle

Inspiration is a form of energy, when you become inspired a JOLT of emotion runs through your veins. This emotion that runs through your veins then runs through your cells then runs through you atoms that make up the cells then to those protons that have an even smaller unit the “plank”. Emotion creates a certain drive to get things done. When you feel yourself being inspired this is your SPIRIT telling you that this is your path. 

Meeting in the middle means that you can’t always STAND YOUR GROUND. In order for growth you have to be willing to bend and meet in the middle. Having a fixed idea of how reality is and standing in PRIDE will only keep you in your same reality. NOTHING will evolve and this applies to everything else in your life. It plays out in relationships with others as well. Something to think about, when something resonates with you but not your 100% belief at this time, bend so that you meet that idea at least half way in order to create change. 

Receiving mode

5 minutes of meditation a day gets you there 

Tune in to the higher source of energy that moves to you, in you, through you and then back out of you and just be happy. Feel the feeling of what love feels like to you. When we have things thrown away as speed bumps in the road we can either let the thoughts carry us into a panic mode or get centered and know that we are the ones in control of our emotions by our thinking process. Can anything be dangerous about you feeling happy instead of feeling sad all the time? Yes, we have to go through processes sometimes to accept what reality is but when we get into a wiser way of thinking we process things differently. 

 Our bodies have a true physical response to a negative state of mind. It is ok to notice you go through this at times but do not let it take you down that same rabbit hole that it has in the past, do not allow the same cycles to happen. Notice that your emotions are related to your thoughts and decide instead to just feel good and just feel happy. I think you should be happy today, be happy every day. Yes, you deserve to be happy every day. It becomes a habit when you start to practice it then others start to notice. Why are you so happy? Because I choose to be, there does not have to be a reason. 

 Try telling people that ask you why you are so happy when they ask that your happiness depends on you and they are off the hook. Then, be happy no matter what is going on. Show them that it is ok to be happy even though the world is spinning fast. This is when you learn a great habit, not letting anyone else hold the responsibility of making you happy or making you the way you feel at all ever.

 Love others in ways you have never loved them before BECAUSE you have no reason to not love anyone! If nobody is responsible for your emotional state except for you then you have NO EXCUSE anymore to USE ANYONE ever again as an EXCUSE to not feel good. Don’t say “I don’t feel good because ________ did this or _______ didn’t do that.” Do not say “_________ makes me so happy because______ or _________makes me so mad because they did ________.” Truth of this is that you feel that way because you have chosen to do so. Yes, it’s nice when others pay you a compliment or give you a gift but you have to choose to feel good regardless of what the outside physical world is doing.