The Seven Seas Are Really One

Author: Eva Rozier, IE, RYT 200, RN, Starseed / Copyright 2020

We all connect through an unseen force on Mother Earth. This unseen force is “space”. We’ve learned now that space is not empty, it’s very dense and full of energy. The word “space” doesn’t define where you stop and where I start, it defines where we connect instead.

How so? Well, scientific research shows that we live in a holographic universe and on different scales of matter we have the same level of energy inside our bodies as the entire universe does. Yes, that’s right. We live in a holographic universe!

From spiritual teachers to physics teachers, they agree that we have the universe inside of us. This is important to understand completely because the more that understand this the more we unite in this thought process which increases the collective consciousness on Earth. When unified in the same thought process is when huge changes can be made on Mother Gaia, Mother Earth.  

Do you see the ocean a whole body of water or the ocean as single divided particles of water? Of course any person would answer it is a body of water and a whole. What is water though? You all know that water is a chemical makeup of one atom of oxygen bound to two atoms of hydrogen.

What is an atom? Easy enough, an atom is the smallest unit of matter that has a nucleus, quarks, electrons and protons. These separate particles that make up a water molecule as we know it as a whole molecule. When you drink a cup of water are you drinking thousands of atoms that are combined together or thousands of water molecules? Yes!!!!!!, you are but we do not think of it that way, we think of the cup of water as a whole cup of water correct? Pan out, see the whole picture in its entirety, we are human and have this ability to think at this level.

We know now because it was studied in the laboratory by physics scientist, the little tiny proton has particles are entangled that connect them like vessels that connect our organs. At the end of each connection or entanglement there is a thing called the “Planck unit” inside of the proton (it is super tiny, I mean tiny). One proton connects to ALL other protons in the universe. All particles and all “black holes” in the universe are entangled through these vessels that some call “worm holes”. 

(In particle physics and physical cosmologyPlanck units are a set of units of measurement defined exclusively in terms of four universal physical constants, in such a manner that these physical constants take on the numerical value of 1 when expressed in terms of these units.)- Wikipedia

Everything is entangled like how inside our body our organs and cells are connected through our vessels. So we know that particles are connected in this similar way. There is a certain way that scientist connects these particles in the lab and have done MULTIPLE experiments to PROVE this. This is NOT made up but sounds like it could be, right? There is an equation that has the mass of the universe in it and the mass of one proton of the universe has been calculated to have that same mass inside of it. NO KIDDING. This is not “quantum weirdness”, it’s not fiction, and this has actually been studied in detail by some amazing scientist.

No particle is separate from the other! Proven in the laboratory!

Once we all understand that everything is connected through this network of unseen vessels thought our atoms, inside our protons, we know that the idea of oneness is a fact.

When measured in laboratory particles two particles can be entangled at instantaneous speed. If we measure one particle is manipulated then the other one no matter how far away is also manipulated at the same speed, no matter if it’s done at the speed of light. There is no delay in this manipulation of information to be transferred to the other at the same exact time. This proves how PRAYER works. Spiritual teachers….preachers….does prayer work?

It seems so elementary to even ask these simple questions to yourself but the truth is that on our planet Earth we have the mindset of division on the large scale of things. As we become more conscious of the unified field of life then we start to become aware that all of life are all just waves of vibration of the underlying unified field of consciousness. Oneness is the essential truth, the all. 

“The ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental”-

 1st Hermetic Principle (ancient knowledge)

Let’s get on the scale of the Mother Earth now, the scale of how our Earth is connected. Have you ever looked at a spinning model globe or a map and noticed that the seven seas are all connected? Have you ever even thought about it? Yes we all know these seven seas on the earth with different names all connect but think about it for a minute. Pause reading this and really think about it. 

The Seven Seas Are Really One
And then on this scale….each planet makes the whole solar system….

It is reasonable to say that these seas all have separate names for geological location references but it does go much deeper than that on a subconscious level. The oceans that we know as SEPERATE all CONNECT.  We as a human race will progress to a much more advanced society once we start to realize that we are all connected like the body of the ocean in a collective body of living consciousness.

Water has been a source of spiritual teachings in ancient times.

The symbolism of water is powerful. Why do these religions speak so much of water? The reason is that water has such a deep subconscious root inside our minds, bodies and souls. We use water to clean, to get baptized, and to give life. Water is used in every single day of our lives. Babies grow in water in the womb of women.

All religions see water as being sacred. The stories of water told in Christianity, in Hinduism, in Buddhism, in Taoism, told by Native Americans, and in Judaism are all used for some sort of spiritual lesson. Water truly does connect us all to the source of life on more than the physical level and what is the source of life? Emotion? Love? Spirit? Energy. 

 There is a unified field at the bases of all of life, the unity is consciousness. Universal consciousness brings us to having an OCEAN of existence. We are all united at the core.

As we grow to understand this, we become enlightened. The Universe is conscious, this means that it is a living thing as well and its heart beat is our consciousness. We are all a part of the universe. The deeper you begin to understand this you more you begin to realize science has proven this over and over again. Scientist agree that there is a unified source, the unified field. What is consciousness made up of? Emotion. 

Look at our Mother Earth for valuable spiritual lessons is something that is deeply rooted inside all of us through our genetic makeup. Our ancestors have a profound imprint on our genes passed down to us and all of that stored up information is apart of who we are. By being able to see that the one very thing that gives life is water and taking this opportunity to grow by using the lessons it has to teach us the human race will be able to unit on a conscious level.

Planetary consciousness, all of us knowing we are one, really is the key to what we all create for ourselves. The more of us that begin to think at this higher perspective, the more that we all will change some deep rooted subconscious division that divides me from you and you from me. Nature really is smarter than we as human beings are. 

Here is a poem wrote in 2016 after Hurricane Matthew swept away the island I was living on. Using Mother Nature as an example of how she can teach us to have an unconscious cleans.

“Life Is a Gift”

Subtitled: Unconscious Cleanse

(Hurricane Matthew 2016)Eva Rozier

Foundations melt into the sea-

Existence of reality torn into two separate pieces.

From the center of consciousness, inferior to the heart

Set free from beautiful, natural destruction.

Gripped carpels holding tight to the stake that makes its claim,

Unable to be lifted with much force-

She cries out for her father into the light.

Her face weathered with premature lines of fear.

Her shelter is her dream-

Her dream is her shelter.

Pink flamingos sway with the wind-

Flags shredded from shard debris.

Natures broom sweeps its bristles across the country

Sections devised will begin to piece together unrealizable gain of intuition.

As one, he wants us to be in the fear of his hand-

In the fear of his hand, he wants us to be as one.

She sees beyond the horizon of black-

Into the depths of weightlessness.

The water flows into interstitial crevices of reality.

A genius of cleans and growth!

2016 Eva Rozier

“The supreme goodness is like water. It benefits all things without contention. In dwelling, it stays grounded. In being, it flow to depths. In expressions, it is honest. In confrontation, it stays gentle. In governance it does not control. In action, it aligns to timing. It is content with its nature, and therefore cannot be faulted.” Tao Te Ching- Passage #8.

This accent passage proves how nature can teach us profound deep rooted lessons. Water is flexible put can cut large grooves in the earth over time as the river bed flows. 

The Arctic Ocean, The North Atlantic Ocean, The South Atlantic Ocean, The Indian Ocean, The North Pacific Ocean, The South Pacific Ocean and The Southern (or Antarctic) Ocean are only names we have given to this large body of water on the Mother Earth we all live on. This ONE BODY of OCEAN all CONNECTS AND CONNECTS ALL, the:

Seven Seas Are Really One. And this is a beautiful thing.

I will say it once more oneness is essential truth, the all

Do You Have Psychic Powers? Allow Yourself to Just Be ….

Do You Have Psychic Powers?

Allow Yourself to Just Be

 Eva Rozier, HSP/ IE/ RN

Copyright June 2019
Original Art: Eva Rozier

Crystal Art


Are you in attunement to oneness? Then you understand that meditation is emptying the self of all that suppresses creative forces from increasing a vibration that naturally opens channels of the physical body to those centers that create activities of the mind, the body and the spirit. Meditation is like the ebb and flow of the ocean. When a wave comes crashing in to the shore it doesn’t stay crashing into the shore but instead pulls back out into the vast majestic seas. This pull back of the ocean is what a wave is created from. The ocean can teach us this one lesson, life is in need of ebb and flow.

 Does that make sense?

How does this relate to meditation and how does this relate to the God consciousness we all are connected to? We know that everything in nature teaches us a valuable lesson on the subconscious level of our illusion of this physical world. Although becoming a telepathic, clairvoyant, intuitive empath is not the main goal of meditation these are the by-products of the practice. This practice of the ebb and flow of thoughts are what can dilute the allurement of your manifestations on the physical and on the astral planes. Without any ebb there is no flow.



“What attunements have you had?” someone once asked the young lady who practices energy healing. The young lady replied “many” with a smirk on her face and with a glimmer in her eyes knowing she created the attunements herself. Because when we rise to this level of cosmic consciousness we understand that it is only within ourselves that any true attunement work that can be done. Like the crystals of the earth it is simply complex.


Hold in your hand a raw crystal quartz piece with all of the amazing inner faucets and rainbow glimmers and look at how simple it is on the outside while knowing your holding this empathic self-healing stone. Crystals teach us about self-healing because this is how a crystal is formed from Mother Earth and the ocean teaches us about ebb and flow. This combination of lessons that we’ve shown ourselves by becoming conscious of nature holding lessons are harmonious sequence lessons.



A person cannot understand these attunements with impurities but instead like the crystal, when the impurities are healed this is when the mind begins to feel this cosmic penetration and crystallization. Through these processes, as we continue to self-heal and become powerful manifestors of our lives we begin to understand more and more that this is because of practicing watching our own thoughts.


By practicing meditation and by sitting just to listen to your own thoughts we start to see that we control our thoughts and they do not control us. Also we see that we create our outcomes and that our circumstances don’t create us.

Allowing ourselves as the collective to grow in meditative practices give us these abilities to see beyond the physical start to manifest and we experience symptoms of ascension.

These symptoms are what you believe them to be because as you ascend you know that it is within yourself that your reality manifests. It is not what any other person can tell you what your symptom is from.


On the average many have stated that while their psychic abilities are blossoming that there is a feeling on the very top of the head that is often described in many ways. Other symptoms that others have said they experience while ascending up the ladder to God or cosmic consciousness include the following:


  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Cranial pressures
  • Needing to fast
  • Shaking hands because of sensitivity to energy fields
  • Losing sense of linear timelines
  • Lucid dreaming
  • Knowing you have an internal alarm clock
  • Call for purpose in life
  • Leavening old job/ relationship
  • Desires to learn as much as possible
  • Eat less meat
  • Changes in eyesight
  • Shivers through the body
  • Memory loss


And this list goes on and on because we are powerful creators…..


Everyone has the ability to express psychic powers and this is because we are all apart of God consciousness, we all are a piece of divine intelligence. By understanding that we can gain freedom from our physical body into the etheric body of Christ we start to crystallize the impurities of pain deep within our systems or our chakras. We learn that we can transcend death because we know our bodies are not the see-er and what is the see-er is the unseen part of our being. Who is the see-er? The observer and the observer is not your eye but the soul within the eye.



Can your ear hear your ear? No, what hears is life force, the divine intelligence that gives us conscious awareness. The truth is as the ocean of the Earth represents a lesson in the need for ebb to have flow. Does that make sense? It is the crystals that  represent our empathic ability to self-heal and become crystallized to shine rainbow light into space around the body illuminating our physical body we walk in every day. This ability to tap into our own psychic identify manifest by practicing these meditative quieting of the mind practices.

As chunks of coal are pressurized intensely they produce the diamonds of the Earth. This is how a diamond is made! This is ALCHEMY!

Our bodies are like chunks of coal, heavy lead weighted down bodies until we understand that with practice our bodies too can be transformed or transcended into this beautiful crystallized diamond radiating by just quieting the mind.

With light and love,





Circuitry Creates Circumstances

Author: Eva Rozier, HSP /IE

Copyright 2019  : All original art by Eva Rozier


Even though we may not think about this much as we live our life out but our bodies are full of electricity running through biological wires known as nerves. Our nervous system, our heart, our muscles, our emotions and our outcomes are all intertwined in this vast network of electricity. By understanding we have these lightning bolts of electrical surges running through our bodies we can identify the fact that these electrical pulses are what create our circumstances.

Let’s take a minute to breakdown the meaning of the word circumstance. Where did this word come from and what do you feel when you say this word? When you say this word you think of coincidences, something that happened to you or something you wound up in. What are coincidences though? Where does this word originate from?


  • Circumstances origin come from the combination of the word circle + stand = encircles….
  • Circuit origin comes from the word circle….
  • Coincidences origin comes from the word coincide….
  • Coincide means: Co(together) incide( fall into)  or to occupy the same space….


Knowing these facts about the origination of these particular words we become to understand that our circumstances which we may perceive as being coincidences or out of our control work together with our control. Point blank, we are electrically wired and it is our emotions that give this internal nervous system of ours the electrical spark. As we begin to understand this we become aware that our circuitry creates our circumstances or that our circuitry coincides with our outcomes.

When we begin to know that it is in our ability to create our outcomes then this is when our outcomes start to change. We start to understand that it is our feelings that manifest matter.  This is when you stop saying it is what it is and say what is now is not what will be knowing you have the ability to change any given outcome by your emotional standpoint. You then know that you can control your emotional standpoint by bringing yourself to the center of this circle of circuitry running through your body.

Where do our emotions come from if they are so important for creating our outcomes, our manifestations in life? Does our nervous system have a memory? We know water has memory and we know the memory of water is affected by our emotional state. Of course our nervous system has memory this is called our limbic system.  This limbic system is our body’s emotional center of the nervous system and studies show it originates from our hearts.


Now, because we live in a holographic universe (everything is inside of everything), we can have clarity that suppressing this understanding closes us off. When our mind expands it allows a bigger opening for insight into some big questions of life during a spiritual growth path.


Above is from displaying today’s actual collective frequency June 14, 2019.

Close your eyes and imagine the Earth basking in cosmic rays, the Sun with its solar flare and the Schumann resonances surrounding Earth. These are all surges of the electrical energies and this is also how our Autonomic Nervous system functions as well. The things “outside” of yourself are really connected to what is inside you. We hear all the time that our great spiritual teachers that have walked this Earth advise about going within.  Without going within we cannot consciously perceive what is outside of ourselves. So, having the grasp on this we can have a clear picture knowing we create our circumstances and they are not something happening to us but for us instead.

 Today June 14, 2019 our the Earth’s Schumann Resonance Is 46Hz- These are very high vibrations and our Earth’s frequency is vibrating higher and higher.

Some may say this is unexplained but we intuitively know that the collective consciousness effects that the Earth’s frequency as our human collective frequency increases and science has backed this up.

The Awoke, Empaths, Starseeds, Intuitives, Clairvoyants, Anyone that is Woke Up!

Author: Eva Rozier

Copyright June 2019

Mother Earth is about to CLIMAX into another decade in 2020. The awoke ones on this Earth have to toss and turn enough to wake those close to us up so that we are all on the same page, we all unite as a human race. We are understanding more and more that simple acceptance of the ether gradient is what creates forces instead boxing up and trying to warp space and time.



The collective consciousness gives power to the energy forces of this Earth we live on. There is much talk about the Cabal, Disclosure and UFO sightings this June 2019. As we lift this awareness as a whole or as a large group of people then that brings a new beginning which brings an end. The end is change and change is a must for growth, without change no flower ever blooms, no butterfly exists.

There is an increase in human beings that have awoken over the past several years. Those who have woken up are craving growth at an accelerated rate. Because it is in our nature for constant expansion we began to see that we have a say so in creating outcomes in our life. We’ve learned that the etheric state of being, the unseen energies on Earth are alive around us living in another higher dimension of existence. This is why more and more people are seeing light beings and orbs.






  • 1. a pleasant-smelling colorless volatile liquid that is highly flammable. It is used as an anesthetic and as a solvent or intermediate in industrial processes.
  • any organic compound with a structure similar to ether, having an oxygen atom linking two alkyl or other organic groups: “methyl”
  • 2. the clear sky; the upper regions of air beyond the clouds: “nasty gases and smoke disperse into the ether
  • air regarded as a medium for radio: informal “choral evensong still wafts across the ether
  • 3. a very rarefied and highly elastic substance formerly believed to permeate all space, including the interstices between the particles of matter, and to be the medium whose vibrations constituted light and other electromagnetic radiation

Disclosure is not just about UFO sightings, it is about the exposure of the domino effect of the dark forces on this Earth affecting the collective consciousness. Songs about you not being in control of your life make the top hits list year after year and are being played 5 days a week overhead in the office speakers. Most people are not even aware that these songs have subliminal messages in them. Another part of disclosure is that we are starting to see that what we were taught has been twisted to control the mass consciousness of this Earth. In fact, those who incarnated as teachers like Jesus and Buddha that gave rise to the mass consciousness are all a piece of you too. I am that I am.

We know that we are co-creators and we do not have to let life happen to us but instead we let life happen for us. This is how manifestations take place and this is what having divine intelligence is all about. Full disclosure comes to those of us who are able to peel back that veil like “Truman” or Jim Carrey did on “The Truman Show” when he figured out that his life was nothing but an illusion.

Ji, Carrey


Hollywood movies trickle disclosure in a subliminal way as well and that move proves this. Jim Carrey of all people chose that role for a reason, because he is able to see through this illusion of life we are collectively living. Not that life is a joke but that you actually can lift that wall of disillusionment up to find your way in this massive universe.

Holly wood


This June those of us who are sensitive to energies are at a heightened attunement to the ether because of the energies hitting the Earth from raised collective consciousness. Only a few more months of 2019 before our planet will arrive into another century. Knowing that the highly sensitive awoken souls on the Earth see the significance in numbers and see’s that by adding 2020 we get the number 4. This 4 represents 4th dimension being.




Going from 3rd dimensional being to 4th dimensional being!


Hollywood, Magic & Witchcraft: Druidism

Author: Eva Rozier ♥ ΙΕ

Hollywood and magic have a historical marriage but what is Hollywood? Hollywood was used by the “Druid” magical practitioner as a wand to focus powerful wishes. This historical reference for Druidism is wide and vast with deep roots into our culture. What does this mean? It means that a large bit of our traditional customs come from paganism and we go along with it like it doesn’t matter it is a part of witchcraft.

Gif 3

To just give a few examples:

  • Hollywood
  • The Christmas tree & mistletoe
  • Mother Goose Rhymes
  • Holding hands in a circle while we pray



Hollywood is built upon a culture whose foundation is built largely on magic and witchcraft. Mickey Mouse even holds in his hand a wand and sprays magical stars just before every Disney movie. So what some may say why does this even matter? It matters because the human race has been under its spell for centuries.

Why do you believe what you believe? Are you one of those people that just go along with the crowd not knowing what you do? Many of us are sadly, caught up in a world based on consumption. Consume….consume…..consume…..nothing is ever enough.


Yes, Mother Goose Rhymes have a history linked back to witchcraft and spell casting. Wait, what is spelling? Are you a good speller? Hummmm….Words are actually strong powerful spells we place upon each other and while we hold a blind eye to this. For this reason alone….choose your words wisely.

If you live in an area where Christianity is prevalent then you have stood in a circle holding hands praying with others. Something about this feels awkward yet we go along with it not knowing its historical logistics. This ritual is has paganist roots yes, its rooted in witchcraft people!

GIf tree

The Christmas tree was started in Druidism as well. Druids were tree worshipers and it is according to legend that when missionaries chopped a huge holy oak, a small piece of pine arose from its rot. This was known as the first Christmas tree. Witches are the guards of tree magic. Because trees give so much life and supply tools like magical wands, the magic of the wand places the power of the tree directly into the practitioner’s two hands. This enables the magic practitioner or witch to cast a spell with focus and desire. In Hollywood the magic spell has been cast and sustains life to this day.



What this boils down to is what you believe in is very very powerful!

Illes, J. (2008). Encyclopedi

a of witch craft: The complete A – Z for the entire magical world. New York, NY: HarperOne.